Mirror's Edge Catalyst Closed Beta: The Good, The Bad, and the Beautiful

This past weekend I was able to enjoy participating in the closed beta held by EA for DICE's upcoming game Mirror's Edge Catalyst. As a pretty avid fan of the original Mirror's Edge game from 2008, I've been keeping up with any and all news that has been made available on the subject of the sequel, so being able to get a feel for the game was great. Before I begin, I should also make it clear that I am certainly a cynic. I've listed every slight irritation I encountered while playing the game, and I don't expect nearly all of them to be addressed. Also, when I refer to "Catalyst" I am, naturally, talking about Mirror's Edge Catalyst. If I refer to "Mirror's Edge", I'm thinking of the original game from late 2008. — read more

When Hamish and Sellotape Met Page 3

A story so worth remembering in detail, I thought it wise to create a blog system with Jekyll to tell the tale of When Hamish and Sellotape Met Page 3. My intention was to build the blog in a matter of hours – or, perhaps more realistically, a few days – and then write this post with the events of 12th December, 2014 fresh in my mind. As is typical of times when I come up with such organised and efficient ideas, my plan failed spectacularly. It's only now, eighteen days on, that I recall the adventure of my friends' and mine. — read more